What do people think about? Be it a fleeting thought or deep reflection, the human mind's sigh can be really refreshing. I love to just stop and get lost in my own thoughts:
Weekend plans, memories of friends, family, lovers, the most embarrassing moment from high school, what to wear tonight, what you wanna do with your life, how you felt after you finished the last line of your favorite book, am i hungry?, fantasies of your ideal mate or your ideal getaway. Pensive activity seems to be in limited supply nowadays as we chortle our way though half-hour sitcoms (or is it hour-long never-ending dramas in this day and age?). We should stop and think more often.
I'm sitting down right now, about to get on the plane; thinking (you guessed it) about leaving the United States for a year. I don't know how I'm supposed to react to this realization. I really want to get the hell outta here and see and live more of the world, but I'm leaving a lot of good stuff behind too. Can't really put a word to how I'm feeling. It's a vexing conundrum to not be able to articulate the inner workings of your psyche, especially to yourself.
Family's selling the house soon after I leave. Mom is going to move back to Taiwan. It's going to be strange when I come back States-side to not have a home, though it will be really empowering and exciting to be on my own. Life really moves.
Feeling ready though. I'm prepared to jump-start the next phase of my life and I'm eager to devour new people and places. It is nice to take a pause and just spill out some ramblings though. It's cathartic.
Perhaps I'm thinking about the whole US-hiatus too much and should just be more transient about it. After all, the daily incomprehension of life is already enough food for thought, right?
Oh, the wonder of a good ponder.
Good luck, hombre.
Gracias, senor.
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